Birthday Cake Batter Popcorn

I think this recipe had me at ‘Birthday Cake’.  It also had me at five ingredients. 

Tiny word signs popped up in my brain bursting mind.  Fun.  Kids.  Love.  Yummy. 

And so it was decided. 

I printed off this recipe for Birthday Cake Batter Popcorn, gathered the ingredients, and set out to make this too-easy treat.  Apparently ‘fun’, ‘kids’, ‘love’, ‘yummy’ are a call to action that cannot be denied.  These photos are actually from my Easter batch.  The Spring Chicks version were the bright-colored large sprinkles pictured above and a huge hit with the kids.

The pretty pastel Easter Nonpareil version offered more muted tones and were equally delicious.

One cake mix yields two batches.  One bag of microwave popcorn measured roughly to six cups, perfect for a single batch.  If you have a movie night, rainy day, or just need a reason to share some lovely, yummy fun with the kids in your life (or the kid in you!) – I suggest you start popping!

Birthday Cake Batter Popcorn


  • 1-½ cup Melted Almond Bark Or White Chocolate
  • ¼ cups Vegetable Shortening
  • 1-½ cup White Or Yellow Cake Mix
  • 6 cups Popcorn (popped)
  • ¼ cups Sprinkles

Preparation Instructions

Melt the almond bark/chocolate in a double broiler (or microwave).   

Add the vegetable shortening to the almond bark/chocolate and stir until it is melted.

Then add the cake mix to the almond bark/chocolate.

Pour the coating onto the popcorn and coat evenly. I use 2 spoons and toss it almost like a salad.

Pour the popcorn out onto cookie sheets to cool/harden. Sprinkle immediately with your choice of sprinkles.

Wait until fully hardened (if you can) and enjoy!

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